Went to the Country Living Christmas Fair Gala Eveing which was very crafty indeed, although there wasn't a corn dolly insight. There was complimentary Wolf Blass wine which went down very nicely with the ladyfriend and I.
Friday we went shopping in Brighton, it was blowing up a gale and there were a few hairy moments crossing a road where we both thought we'd had our chips as we were blown back into the oncoming traffic.
During the weekend Graham and Jill came to our little flat on the coast to fit the kitchen. We now have all our base units in place and sturdy as a rock which is absolutely essential. I have to jump up onto the worktops so that I can glimpse the sea view that our kitchen affords. We have yet to have running water and electricity but I'm beginning to realise these things are a luxury.
On saturday night we all trolled off to The Lamb which is the oldest inn in Eastbourne. We sat in the lower bar and dined like kings for buttons. I can not recommend this place highly enough. Infact anyone that knows us will end up in The Lamb from now on anyway but I must say how fantastic and hearty the place is. It is a bit roudy but that adds to the atmosphere there are also real wenches, big busty girls with enormous thighs and teeny bopper tops. The service is also spot on.
Coming home yesterday we stopped at a Little Chef for light refreshment where I got soaked to the skin collecting rosehips for Shaker style decorations - all I can say is, you should see our airing cupboard. I've got things strung up that would put Ed Gein to shame.
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