13 October, 2003

Oh my gourd

My life is fabulous. Coming to work this afternoon the trees were scandalously brazen, I love autumn. I am alarmed how much I love it, infact I am not sure it is healthy to love something so much.

The ladyfriend and I were well and truly plastered yesterday by a cypriot called Helme who did a bit of cash in hand in our kitchen - yes we aided the black economy. It's downhill all the way now for our kitchen - hoorah with knobs on.

Leaving on a jet plane on Friday, I know when I'll be back again, it will be next Monday but the squidgy bit inbetween will be spent as a lost weekend in a hotel in Amsterdam and a double pneumonia in a single room........Fantastic, bulb buying, tip toeing round Anne Frankes gaff and gentle imbibing.

We're meeting the boys from Malaga, hitting the nighteries and party girls.

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