Today I have a publicity officer from Ealing Council coming to see me which is nice. I'm not a good mixer so I hope he doesn't stay too long.
25 September, 2003
24 September, 2003

It was totally unexpected however, I must keep more intuned to weather reports. I'm so glad I brought my delicates inside at the weekend. My chilli plant is amazing and is dangling with its fruits like an old chandelier, this sharp frost would have meant disaster and a few bland mealtimes for the Ladyfriend and I.
23 September, 2003
With my hips kind of swivelly and swervy

This morning I am full of energy and positive mental attitude. I think it was the steak I ate last night. I think we all need flesh flash fried with a splash of redwine to get us going. I was standing in Starbucks last week waiting like an idiot at the end of that table that is pitched too high to lean on for my latte when an edgy girl, pale and very uninteresting stood next to me. Her hair was dry and wiry, she was skinny as a rake, tall, lank and ghoulish. Anyway, guess what she ordered? Decaf with soya milk! I mean I ask you? She barely had enough energy to pick the cup up - hardly a picture of health.
22 September, 2003
I don't pop my cork for every man I see
I usually judge towns by wether they have a Woolworths or not and Rye is no exception. Rye has a rather dinky one nestled in its ancient high street.
The weeks now seem stuffed with social engagements and this that and the other and I now feel rather rushed off my feet and in need of a pocket diary - one with a whole week over two pages with about an inch to scribble in each day. I can see the waitress taking the dessert plates of this year away and coming back to see if coffee is required. It's been a fabulous year and I can see me leaving a whopping tip.
18 September, 2003
The hooks I want are sitting in a junk shop in Rye at the moment. Beautiful hooks which I wish I had bought when I saw them. Take note everyone, buy it when ya see it or repent at leisure. All I can say is if they are all sold out I wouldn't want to be in the Ladyfriend's shoes.
17 September, 2003
The ladyfriend feels just the same. We are powerless with the kitchen saga as there are links in chains and finances dictate that we can't thumb the yellow pages until November. So we have to trundle on with horse hair sticking out of the walls and flat packs strewn everywhere....they say it will be all over by Christmas - but which bloody one?
16 September, 2003
It's not without its compensations though as the ladyfriend suggested that if it stays like this we could go to the beach at the weekend. This did make me more perky as it means a visit to the Italian Ice cream parlour for a bacon sandwhich enroute to the seafront! The best bit about this establishment is - along with the bargain prices and 70's decor - the clock on the wall which on the hour opens up and little people come out dancing and playing music. It's tacky, it's wacky but I love it!
15 September, 2003
This weekend the ladyfriend and I have been looking after William at my mother's house. It has been quite a treat to use lovely soft thick towells, watch sky television and use other peoples toilletries - I can't resist new shampoo.
We seem to have done alright, one of the cats is missing but that's not bad in my book.
11 September, 2003
At least I didn't fake it, hat, sir I guess I didn't make it

I must now announce my new favourite female impersonator. Take a look at Lypsinka when you can. I sat and listened to a selection of his favourite records yesterday and was scribbling names down like a demon.
10 September, 2003
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
This morning whilst applying Clinique facial products I have been wrestling with myself over the weighty question of wether or not to buy two tickets for the ladyfriend and I to see Bea Arthur at the Savoy. I would love to go but can I afford to shell out on the tickets that's the thing? Now I am a lady of property I unfortunately have people chipping away at my cash stash. Can I afford to go........can I afford not to?
09 September, 2003
I should think her neighbours are quite alarmed that instead of Zero 7 or David Gray floating around her flat they get that nice Cliff Richards. I bet she sits out on her balcony reading the Sun drinking instant coffee and munching Sugar Puffs! Good on her. It's time the backlash started.
08 September, 2003
Found an amazing fossil on the beach - my first! Drank a staggering amount of booze. Bought the soundtrack to Follies.