31 August, 2003
21 August, 2003
I'm not entirely offay with the rules though, but it doesn't impare my enjoyment of the game, not one bit. The only thing that upsets me about the tv coverage is that you don't get that lovely theme tune you got on the BBC but I shall just have to live with that kind of progress afterall Cricket is the new black.
20 August, 2003
Don't mess with Mr In between

Got to use new shampoo today! I love opening new bottles and this is a brand I have never tried before so I am quite cock-a-hoop. I am waiting to see if what it says on the packaging will bear any fruit. They do make some outlandish claims these days and we are willingly taken in.
Whilst in Brighton at the weekend a man had a stall in the North Laines selling "Milk Thistle" for the liver and all kinds of potions and lotions it is almost as if we have taken a step back to the days of those American sideshow medicine sellers that used to roll into town - well Little House on the Prarie land anyway. I call for a clamp down.
Talking of hair, I always think of Brian Cant when I dry my hair with a towell as I remember him saying once that is a very dangerous thing to do, but I can't remember when, but it has stayed with me to this day.
19 August, 2003
Sleigh bells ring
Just been looking at the local paper and two young girls who have obviously been born on the wrong side of the tracks, if you get my drift, called Chelsi and Coral-Lee are pictured. Were their parents (probably parent.....I think we are talking singular here) taking the piss? What is it with the ridiculous names families give their children for crying out loud? I can't see Coral Lee making it out of the mire of income support. As for Chelsi, well, surely inspiration must have come from some mucky film star.
Really, I can just hear some obese, chain smoking mother dressed in a vest and leggings screaming out "Coral-Lee!!!!!" at the top of her lard coated voice. I bet she thinks, as she fences another stolen DVD player, that her daughters name is special.
18 August, 2003
All I need is moonlight, music and you
Just four more days and counting till I jump this leaky ship of toil and head off for two weeks of holiday. Hoobloodyray. Talking of the peculiar - I woke up early on saturday and saw the Boobahs - what the hell is that all about?
13 August, 2003
Hit that perfect beat boy

Great news today, my goodlooking brother called and for my birthday treat he is going to take me to see Echo and the Bunnymen doing their 25 year anniversary concert in November. Oh lucky me, to have such a good looking brother I say.
By the way, I've slipped down a gear into a kind of eighties fug, I have become very political and rejecting of popular music, hey, guess what? Letter to Breshnev has been released on DVD....Lola wants, Lola wants!
Eat coal
Also on the programme there was a report about single parents and how they can't feed their children and how they could do with some more money please - well you know my thoughts on the matter, but the lady in the film had a very nice kitchen thankyou, with a lovely bread bin. Get that in a carboot Ms and you could feed your nippers for a week!
12 August, 2003
I don't suppose it was any better in the days of Lillie Langtry. She ended up with the hand of the Prince of Wales up her crinoline. The things that poor cow did for theatre, she even ran about with the 3 am girls of her day - Oscar and Bosie.
The world is full of liars, cheats and confidence tricksters. My advice to you all is to keep your shoes clean and your passwords to yourselves.
11 August, 2003
Beside the seaside
Saturday we went to Brighton Pride, Click here for picture Unfortunately we missed the parade by a sequin and trudged along behind it, feathers and flowers lined the road of dissappointment to Preston Park.
Once there it was like satan's back garden (some would say fittingly) it was so hot, we had to take shade and it did spoil our enjoyment. We left after a couple of hours and went for two lovely big Gin and Tonics in the Brighton tavern.
Sunday, the ladyfriend and I nursed our hangovers on the beach, we even took a dip, it was wonderful until I read a piece in the Times about great white sharks.
07 August, 2003
Taste sensation
The sky was alive with stars last night, I was waggling my telescope around in the back garden but couldn't see a bloody thing. I don't understand telescopes, you can see more with the naked eye.
This weekend my handsome big brother is coming down to Eastbourne to tamper with the electrics in the kitchen, it looks like Sarajevo at the moment, but I am sure, with his supervision it will be transformed into something wonderful. It's quite an uphill struggle but it's men like Brunel and my big brother that this country could do with a few more of.
06 August, 2003
has the Perrier gone straight to my head
Sod them, let them stick their cash raising thermometers where the sun don't shine.
05 August, 2003
As the flames rose to her roman nose
04 August, 2003
Win yourself a cheap tray
Went walking on Beachy Head yesterday and looked down at the med-like coast below, it was truly heart warming and soul lifting which leads me to wonder why a poor devil topped themselves on such a beautiful day. It was quite a perverse situation. The police and the coastguards were scrambled and the ladyfriend and I watched as a policeman stood holding a plastic carrier bag which belonged to the deceased. Tourists took photographs, people peered over the edge, it was quite, quite tragic.
We moved along and went back to the flat to watch the cricket.
01 August, 2003
It's so easy to hate, It takes strength to be gentle and kind
Apparently the Ladyfriend and I (and come to think of it a large percentage of catholic priests) are evil. Geriatric twat - atleast I have control of my bladder, something I suspect he has lost along with his marbles.