25 June, 2003

Watched that vile creature Graham Norton last night - why has nobody told that man to stop? - glad I did though because K D Lang and the legendary Tony Bennett were on. How Ms Lang has bloated in the space of a few years, it must be all the tofu.

Did you know we spend more time at work than any other country? It's doing us no good. I want to be where the sun warms the sky, when it's time for siesta you can watch them go by. It's not like the continent when they have days off at a drop of a sombrero. All this hard work counts for nothing, we are the toilet of europe with a rail service worse than India, where is the logic? Perhaps it is the fault of a protestant religion. Perhaps we should revert to catholisicm, all those saints = lots of day's of. Still it could get a bit sticky for my 'side of the church', mind you all that free wine and wafers would make up for the homophobia.

On a more serious note get behind The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams who knows, perhaps I won't always be the bridesmaid afterall!

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