09 June, 2003

Late entry today, I have been busy writing frightening verse to a bucktooth girl in Luxemburg. Who else watched it last night? Bloated and camp but still wonderful, there's no chance of Morrissey turning up on "I'm a celebrity revive my career".
Had a diverting weekend. Friday I was tight on Harvey Wallbangers - badly influenced by a woman called Dawn who could show Richard Burton a thing or two. Saturday I broke down in a garden centre and yesterday we went to Brighton for a tip toe round the shops.
Errr, got my call up papers for the old scrape - has it really been three years? Must ring and sort that one out.
Met Michele with one L today. Gave her vast sums of money, she is a very nice woman, very posh and high flying. It must be an internal struggle for women like her, half of her yearning to sit at home with a knitting pattern from People's Friend and the other half wanting to mix it with the big boys. Oh well, she's done us proud and I will recommend her to all and sundry.

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