21 May, 2003

I drove to work this morning in a bit of a haze and can't remember any 'mirror, signal, maneuvers'. I did look out for the invisible motorcyclist like I always do since that dreadful advertisement but I never saw him. No, I think the mini and I both know it's over. Gone is the fun, the passion, the happiness. We are both going through the motions. It's a desperate situation - one I have been through before - and I know it can't last like this for much longer. When she passes her MOT she'll be on the market, out of my life, only this time I come out of it with some lolly.

Hope this weather situation picks up a bit, chances of going camping next week are getting dimmer and dimmer. I like life under canvas and the ladyfriend and I are all ready and raring to go. It's going to take a huge leap in temperatures to convince us to sleep outside, we are game old girls but we aint Edmund Hilary.

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