08 May, 2003

I am reaching the end of a rather demanding week. I have just today to get through and it'll be time to put my pens and pencils away until Monday when it will all start again. I have of late but wherefore I know not lost all my mirth and I blame this place [work] and I intend to hire deckchairs in Eastbourne or black up and do a 'turn' at the end of the pier. Talking of blacking up, what is this Trafalgar square nonsense? Click here if you don't know I think Mandella is a fabulous chap and all that but really, Trafalgar square? No, no, no, there is only room for one Nelson there! If we start putting up statues of johnny foreigners who have done great things with their lives it would end up looking like a chess board not a monument to a great British victory against the bloody French Click here for more I'm sure the statue would look marvellous in say, a shopping Mall which there are plenty. I think far better would be a statue of Ellen Mcarthur would be more apt. With her naval connections she would look splendid on a plinth beneath Nelson. I am sure, being dimunitive in stature she would not cost a lot to produce.

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