23 April, 2003

May I extend my warmest St George's salutations to you all! My, my it is indeed the best day to be English......unless you are George Galloway, all suntanned and mustachioed! Dearie me, traitor, turncoat! He'll get his come uppence and end up second hand car dealing you mark my words. And another thing, this "Who want's to be a millionnaire" scam, am I alone in seeing through this transparent farce? It's as plain as the nose on my face that the whole thing is a set up from start to finish. Firstly the programme lost thousands of viewers so it had to think of a scam to regenerate interest. It "lets" that major fellow through the first round, no doubt by furnishing him with the correct answer or jamming the other's buttons. Then it let's him win the million, starts this "cheat" court case and now plans to make a feature film of the whole thing. Who benefits? The programme gets more viewers, the major et al scoop a wacking cheque from the movie - and no doubt lilke the Hamiltons will be omnipresent for the next five years - Chris Tarrant get's more bloody exposure and everyone is happy. The Major won't spill the beans because he's a toff (good choice not using someone from the lower classes) I'm not fooled........are you?

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