30 April, 2003

I have come to the conclusion that toffs ruin things they create. For instance, I would like to get up really, really early tomorrow morning, drive to Oxford and gather at the foot of Magdalen Tower at dawn and listen to the college choir sing in May Day. Only I know that I would not be able to hear the perfect tone and pitch of the singers because of the drunken middle class revellry.
The ladyfriend agrees and states that the Henley Regatta would be wonderful if it were not for the Hooray Henries. What is it about these pompous old gits that turn good old English traditions into disrepair? Ok, were it not for them they probably would not exist, but I think it's very much like a child who wont let someone else play with their toys. If they can't have it themselves they ruin it for everybody.
Thank god they weren't involved with the summer solstice - can you imagine how it would have panned out? I shudder to think.

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