22 February, 2003

My god the things I put myself through. I am sitting in an internet cafe in London, I have just walked out of the singalongabba concert in disgust and bewilderment leaving Lorraine and Kylie in the second row. It's the biggest fleecing I have had since I bought sundried tomatoes from a couple of greeks in wycombe market.
First of all I went in thinking it was going to be like the Sound of Music where they show you the film and put the words underneath...it aint.
Instead, the promoters have employed two unusual men and two half witted tarts to pretend to be Abba. Well, you can imagine my horror. There I am sitting slap bang infront of this freak show with a face of thunder. None of them look vaguely like a member of Abba, Pat Coombes looks more like Bjorn. The costumes are amateur, the whole production looks something like a fairground prize. You know what I mean, a disney character you win on the shoot a duck section for your nephew and the facial details are enlarged and lopsided.
It's nothing more than a holiday rep show only worse. Terrible. I couldn't face it any more. It's the sort of thing hetties lap up and drag queens do so much better.

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