19 February, 2003

I think my father may be a male model. I was flicking through the local paper, reached the motors section (dull) then out of the corner of my bloodshot eyes I saw a man who I am sure is my father. It was one of those aspirational adverts, nicely photographed, well designed, you know the score. Why do they do those to sell cars, there wasn't a motor in sight. It's a bit like those house adverts where you know they have bulldozed some toxic factory and built luxury apartments and to convince you that you want one they slap some half brained harpy on a billboard with a cappucino. Anyway, I digress, to aquaint you with the situation, I have not really seen my father very much. He lives in the South of France, I saw him briefly just before Christmas last year so I am not too familiar with any major changes in his physical appearance. But, I would like to think I could pick out my father in a line up and that is why I am convinced it is him.
The french are so chic, perhaps it is an everyday occurance to get up from the dinner table and say "that's it I'm off to Jean Paul's for the photoshoot" and that is why I have not been informed of dad's meteoric rise into the world of the small ads.

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