26 February, 2003

Got to stop the Ebay now it's become an addiction. Last night I unintentionally walked away with a, I quote " NOEL COWARD LEGENDS OF 20TH CENTURY (22 TRACK CD BEAUTIFULLY PACKAGED IN HARD COVER BOOKLET WITH IN DEPTH BIOGRAPHY WITH PHOTOS, INC MAD DOGS, MRS WORTHINGTON, PRIVATE LIVES AND OTHERS, EXCELLENT CONDITION)" for £2.90 which is I know a bargain but I didn't realise I'd win it.
I was a trifle bored at work last night and had a dip in ebay and thought the auction had days to run, then going on to the internet at 9.30pm to webcam with the boys (what a farce that turned out to be) up popped a message saying I'd won the auction! Gulp.
It was a close shave in the end, because I had not read the postage details and it turns out that the cd is in Maltby Le Marsh, Lincs and not Singapore so it's easy on the postage and a snip but it's the end of ebay for me and my trigger happy fingers. I look forward to receiving the package and, in the words of Noel Coward, I hope I have "a warm hand on my opening".

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