11 February, 2003

Another day and another reason to dislike the French. ooooooh never trust the French. Always quick to get in to bed with the wrong side. Arrogant, odorous nation. Then you've got that Putin chap who looks like a petrol pump attendant. The Germans.......don't mention the Germans! It looks like it's down to the British and Americans to save the world again. History repeating itself , we'll bankcrupt ourselves so everyone else isn't run by a dictator.
To those people that intend to demonstrate at the weekend in protest at the government, what fools, there they are using their freedom of speech whilst the poor people in Iraq can't even express their preference of cat food......where has Lesley Judd gone? She hasn't died has she? I never see her any more.
Anyway, I may be unfashionable but I support the war in Iraq, it was people like me that stood up to Hitler and we all know what happened with that one. Thank god we live on an island and there is a stretch of water between us and the French.

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