29 January, 2003

I have just returned from a very long meeting. 10.30am it started and it's now 4.25pm! Well you can imagine how I feel can't you. I kept drifting off into all kinds of worlds. Trouble is, you have to keep on the ball with these things as suddenly a question would fire and hit me. It's funny, there were lots of meeting style words like "issues" and "skyscrapers". I just nodded along as if I knew what it meant. I twigged after half an hour that a skyscraper was an image on a website (banner) that was really heavy kb and thus made the website take a long time to load. Some people had lovely pads, one man had a leather bound almost briefcase type jotter. One woman had all these print outs. Nice sandwhiches at half time. I feel all hot and sleepy now though and not ready at all to work.
I've got to get a wiggle on though and think outside of the box!

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