A strange phenomenon is happening to me at the supermarket. Just lately most of my compulsory purchases are up in the noughties. Once upon a time my shopping would total odd thruppeny bits if you know what I mean. It would come to x pounds and 87p for example but these days I’m hitting the nail on the head, £10 on Saturday and just today my crème fraiche (low fat) and packet of linguine came to £2.00 dead on in M&S. Now what’s going on? I’d be interested to know if it’s happening to others or if it’s just me. Is there a surge in electricity inside me that knocks the digits up when I supermarket sweep or is it the work of the paranormal? Am I receiving household management from beyond? Is Mrs Beeton guiding my hand at the deli counter? It could of course be a trickle effect of the VAT adjustment but that would be boring.