I have quite a nice few days ahead of me. Tomorrow we have already discussed, Friday I am treating my mother to a day trip to the south coast, Saturday I'll be down Dover docks and over to France to stock up on scent, wine and stockings and Sunday I will attempt to plant bulbs in the garden. I do like to fill the dismal days of a decaying year........click here for Autumnal pictures by the way
27 October, 2004
26 October, 2004
It is a rather nice windfall which brings me on to my next subject - Autumn. On Sunday we went out with Mr C, Mr D and Missy Caution (a lady of oriental origin) for an autumnal ramble. It was a riot of colour and I managed to try out my new camera. I took a number of artistic shots, left the lens cap on several times and also used the movie setting to great effect. When I've sorted the pics out you will be able to breathe in the atmosphere of decay and hear the scrunch of leaf underfoot yourselves. Pictured above is the ladyfriend and I admiring finds from the forrest floor!
25 October, 2004
21 October, 2004
I must get back to my best, I have Lucy's birthday party to attend, the garden to put to bed and a restorative autumn ramble to execute. I am fully booked up.......which is the very thing that has got me into my malaise to begin with.
18 October, 2004
I uploaded the original of this picture to show my friend Clive who is earnestly open minded on these matters but I have just looked and something went wrong with the uploading. I think the magical fairy kingdom has intervened and thrown a fairy spanner into the works. It is a shame indeed. If you would like to look at the photos of the walk click here There is a small version of the picture middle bottom. I will endeavour to get the original as soon as possible. You will be shocked I am sure!
14 October, 2004
I realise now, after watching Alan Titchmarsh last night that I am sitting in a valley carved out by glacial melt water. How tremendous. It's certainly rocking my raft. I think I'd quite like to do an open university course in geology. It's never too late. Age is no barrier to education.
13 October, 2004
12 October, 2004
This global warming business is a bit of a letdown. I'd always hoped I'd live my life on earth unaffected by catastrophic events. I Managed to miss the Great War, Great fire of London and the Black Death. I'd rather hoped I'd shuffle along without losing a limb or my marbles, now it looks like I'm going to drown by the rising tide or get blown off the pier.
11 October, 2004
Talking of childhood, I recently visited Chalfont St. Peter where I grew up. I went to look at my favourite trees on the common where I would play. I took some pictures which are here. I climbed my favourite trees which had grown bigger in the last 25 years. It was odd really as when I was a youngster they were big and tricky to climb and all these years on they were bigger still.......weird.
This weekend the ladyfriend and I went all other the place, Lewes, Hasting, Battle. When we got to Battle they were having a huge reinactment of the Battle of Hastings as it was the anniversary. It was £8 to get in and we couldn't run to it so I am going to save my pennies for next year instead. Click here for pictures
07 October, 2004
Had a bit too much garlic last night at Mr C and Mr D's. It was a lovely dip and I must admit to letting greed take hold of me, a sinful sight and one I am ashamed of, especially as the house was not my own. My appetite sometimes lets me down in the company of others.
06 October, 2004
Kids smashing trees with big sticks to get conkers. People planning leaving do's as they leave their jobs. Flowers on my desk just about to 'go over'. My wonderful mother trying on clothes bought in haste which she might take back to the shop. Milk running out in the fridge. A nice man called Tom phoning me to help him with something on the work website. Listening to Rufus Wainwright. Emailing Clive about tonight. Laughing atleast three times. Singing Elkie Brooks whilst making tea.
Baby cried the day the circus came to town
'Cause she didn't want parades just passing by her
So she painted on a smile
And took up with some clown
While she danced without a net upon the wire
I know a lot about her
'Cause you see
Baby is an awful lot like me
And it's not even lunchtime.
05 October, 2004
I'm going to end up moving departments and because of this have to wear 'smart clothes'. It's a denim no go area so it's off to New Look for a pair of slacks and a capsule wardrobe. It would be nice if I could wear pirate clothes. Captain Hook stuff. Wouldn't it be nice if you could do that? It's smart, a lovely ruffled shirt and velvet coat. I'd like to see them pull me up on it, the european court would give them short shrift.
01 October, 2004
It's a double edged sword, the stuff you can do now was unthinkable before it but I feel we are at risk of being tangled in the web. P&O are shedding staff because we are all jetting off on cheap airlines. Thomas Cook are cutting back because we are doing it ourselves. What price progress?
I want telephones to "tring, tring" in the privacy of homes not burst into Britney Spears in Homebase. I want typing to involve ribbons, writing to involve pens, greetings to involve cards and stamps not some daft lunatic cartoon in Outlook Express. I want shopping to involve more than one vast aircraft carrier of a shop. I don't want to press a red button to go interactive. I want meat that's unloaded with growth hormones. Vegetables to travel from Kent not New Zealand. Baseball caps worn by Americans, sportswear worn by people doing something athletic, a football player's wages to be similar to the number on the back of their shirt. I want a ban on microwave ovens, call centres, mobile telephone masts, incinerators, women driving their kids to school AND last but not least, computers.